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  • Bucatini

    Typical Campanian Shape, created in honor of Queen Mafalda of Savoy...

    3,16 €
  • Bucatini

    Typical shape of the Campania tradition. On Sunday, the family gathered...

    3,16 €
  • Bucatini

    Long and thin with a round section. It recalls Italy in every part of...

    2,46 €
  • Bucatini

    The grooves retain the sauce and the helical rotation facilitates its...

    2,46 €
  • Bucatini

    Linguine are similar to spaghetti but with an elliptical section,...

    2,46 €
  • Bucatini

    Vermicelli have a thicker diameter than Spaghetti and they are a classic...

    2,46 €

Special Shapes There are 40 products.

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  • 3,16 €

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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campania shape, they resemble squid rings and in fact are very well combined with first courses based on fish

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    The famous Candele shape already cut in 8cm shape perfect for all day purpose

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

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  • 3,16 €

    Small, "indented" to collect the sauce, ideal with pesto sauce

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Ideal shape to wrap the sauce like a small casket of flavors.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Great format for a baked pasta!Just a quick burn in hot water and a good dose of creativity for the stuffing!Exceptional with a filling of ricotta and spinach.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Ideal shape for fresh pasta

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    The porosity of its surface and the internal groove make this format excellent for any type of sauce

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

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  • 3,16 €

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  • 3,16 €

    Typical Campanian shape, it takes the form of the spindle to spin the wool and is perfect to collect any type of seasoning.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    The Sardinian shape par excellence, striped to capture the sauce, consistent to give body to every recipeOur recipes: Gnocchetti sardi with saffron and Roman Broccoli

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

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  • 3,16 €

    Big sized shape, ideal to be stuffed and cooked in hoover.

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Fun and tasty format that collects and wraps the sauce, combining very well with tomato-based condiments!

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Versatile shape with every type of sauce, the sauce is catched by the lines and goes inside the shapeOur recipe: Le nostre ricette:Maniche rigate with sardines

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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  • 3,16 €

    Shorter shape of striped necks, ideal for pasta salads

    3,16 € / 1 Kg
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Showing 1 - 20 of 40 items